Intercollegiate Project based Learning

Reference No. 2023c002
Type/Category Openings at any time-Workshop (II)
Title of Research Project Intercollegiate Project based Learning
Principal Investigator Takashi NAKAZAWA(MMDS, Osaka university / Associate Professor)
Research Period September 20, 2023. - September 20, 2023.
Keyword(s) of Research Fields Bayesian data modeling, cognitive science
Abstract for Research Report [Introduction] This event is going to be held as 2 weeks PBL for Bachelor and Master students, by provided problems from industry, where students who belong to Osaka university, Shimane university, Wakayama university, Kochi university and Hiroshima institute of Technology, attend.

[Objective] It is expected that attendances are motivated to study data science and AI thorough group works.

[Expected outcome] Professor N. Asakura is a specialist on cognitive science. Attendance students can learn whole process of data science.
Organizing Committee Members (Workshop)
Participants (Short-term Joint Usage)
Takashi NAKAZAWA(Osaka University / Assocoate Professor)