Mathematics for Innovation in Telecommunications Technology

Reference No. 2022c003
Type/Category Openings at any time-Workshop (Ⅱ) Online
Title of Research Project Mathematics for Innovation in Telecommunications Technology
Principal Investigator Yutaka Jitsumatsu(Department of Information and Communications Engineering / Associate Professor)
Research Period September 15, 2022. - September 16, 2022.
Keyword(s) of Research Fields Communication Theory, Information Theory, Machine Learning, Compressed Sensing
Abstract for Research Report Innovations in the fundamental systems that support information and communications are required for performance criteria in the use cases of next-generation mobile communication systems (6G). In addition to improvements in hardware, advances in software (signal processing and algorithms) are also required. A drastic change, similar to the change from 3G (CDMA) to 4G (OFDM), requires a solid mathematical theory that serves as the basis for the new system. 
This workshop will focus on the mathematics involved in telecommunications. We invite leading researchers with strong theoretical backgrounds in the field of telecommunications to the workshop. The lectures are designed as free of telecommunications-specific jargon as possible. By making this workshop accessible to those with no prior knowledge, we lower the barrier to entry for mathematicians into this field. Improving current communications technology will not produce true innovation in communications. In addition to the insight to extract the essence of communications, mathematical theories and ideas from other fields are required. By holding workshops, we promote the exchange of personnel engaged in fundamental research that leads to true innovation.
Organizing Committee Members (Workshop)
Participants (Short-term Joint Usage)
Yutaka Jitsumatsu(Tokyo Institute of Technology / Associate Professor)
Masayoshi Ohashi(Fukuoka University / Professor)
Akio Hasegawa(Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International / Laboratory Head)