Interactive cognition of higher dimension with VR 2

Reference No. 2022a014
Type/Category Grant for General Research-Short-term Joint Research
Title of Research Project Interactive cognition of higher dimension with VR 2
Principal Investigator Hiroyuki Inou(Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Associate professor)
Research Period August 29, 2022. - September 02, 2022.
Keyword(s) of Research Fields visualization of fourth dimension, virtual reality, computer graphics
Abstract for Research Report Four-dimensional or higher-dimensional objects often appear in mathematics, physics, data analysis and so on. The aim of this research is to study and develop visualization of four-dimensional objects in virtual reality (VR) space in real time, and implementation of interactive method such as user locomotion and object operation in four-dimensional space, and verify its effectiveness by psychology experiments.
For this purpose, we study cognition of geometric structure such as length, angle and relative position in four-dimensional space, and improve our interactive VR visualization software according to it so that we will be able to observe and operate four-dimensional objects more easily and intuitively, and understand them deeply.
It is natural to think that an appropriate implementation should depend on objects and structures we want to understand. We focus some specific geometric or topological structures and develop implementations for better understanding of those structures.
Such visualization methods will become increasingly important in the future, in order to observe and understand mathematical or abstract ideas and complex data. We expect to inspire public interest and deepen people's understanding in education, and moreover, we also expect to lead to discovery of new structures and phenomena in research.
Organizing Committee Members (Workshop)
Participants (Short-term Joint Usage)
Yutaka Ishii(Kyushu University / Professor)
Shizuo Kaji(Kyushu University / Professor)
Keigo Matsumoto(University of Tokyo / Assistant professor)
Masahiko Terao(Yamaguchi University / Lecturer)
Hiroyuki Inou(Kyoto University / Associate professor)
Ken Anjyo(IMAGICA GROUP Advanced Research Group / OLM Digital / Director / Executive R&D Advisor)
Marc ten Bosch(mtb design works Inc. / President)