On Minimal Construction of Private Simultaneous Messages Protocols
Reference No. | 2022a006 |
Type/Category | Grant for Project Research- Short-term Visiting Researcher |
Title of Research Project | On Minimal Construction of Private Simultaneous Messages Protocols |
Principal Investigator | Kazumasa Shinagawa(Ibaraki University / Assistant Professor) |
Research Period |
September 05, 2022. - September 16, 2022. |
Keyword(s) of Research Fields | Secure computation, Private simultaneous messages. |
Abstract for Research Report | Secure computation is a cryptographic technique for computing the value of a function on the secret inputs held by players, while hiding the inputs beyond the output value. It has many practical applications, such as auction, voting, and privacy-preserving data mining. There are several computational complexities of secure computation protocols such as the round complexity, the communication complexity, and the randomness complexity. In this research, we aim to construct a minimal construction of secure computation protocols in terms of the computational complexities. However, since there is a trade-off between each computational complexity, it is necessary to fix the computational complexity to be minimized. Therefore, we focus on a secure computation protocol with a single round, which is known as private simultaneous messages (PSM). In PSM protocols, it must use a shared randomness to achieve one round computation. It is known that any function can be securely computed in the model. Our goal is to construct a PSM protocol for some function with minimum communication complexity or minimum randomness complexity. In order to obtain minimum constructions, it is necessary to show the impossibility that a smaller construction is infeasible. Since it is expected to be very difficult to show such an infeasibility in general, we are going to show the infeasibility for specific class of functions. |
Organizing Committee Members (Workshop) Participants (Short-term Joint Usage) |
Kazumasa Shinagawa(Ibaraki University / Assistant Professor) |