Studying High-functioning Post-Quantum Digital Signature Schemes
Reference No. | 20210017 |
Type/Category | Grant for Young Researchers- Short-term Visiting Researcher |
Title of Research Project | Studying High-functioning Post-Quantum Digital Signature Schemes |
Principal Investigator | Yuntao Wang(Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Information Science / Assistant Professor) |
Research Period |
February 03, 2022. - February 09, 2022. |
Keyword(s) of Research Fields | digital signature; post-quantum cryptography |
Abstract for Research Report | Digital signature schemes such as RSA, DSA, ECDSA are widely applied in the electronic business and cryptocurrency to protect secure communication in the current information-oriented society. However, these schemes are under the thread of Shor’s quantum algorithm running in a large-scale quantum computer, which can solve the underlying hard problems in polynomial time. For this reason, Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), the next-generation cryptography, has been actively studied for decades. In 2016, NIST started the PQC standardization project, and three digital signature schemes were selected into the third round in July 2020. Meanwhile, Dustin Moody who is in charge of this project commented that “We are concerned about a lack of diversity of signature schemes for security and application reasons.” In this research, we aim at proposing a high-functioning digital signature scheme combing lattice-based scheme and multivariate polynomial scheme (MPKC). The core topic of developing a digital signature scheme is designing a Trapdoor Hash Function (TDH). In this research, we first study the merits of LWE-based, SVP-based, and NTRU-based TDHs proposed in lattice-based cryptography, and study the MQ-based TDH in MPKC. Then, we propose a hybrid signature scheme involving different TDHs. Finally, we implement and evaluate the performance of our scheme. We hope to increase the diversity of signature schemes from the aspects of security and application. |
Organizing Committee Members (Workshop) Participants (Short-term Joint Usage) |
Yuntao Wang(Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Information Science / Assistant Professor) |
Adviser | Koichiro Akiyama (TOSHIBA CORPORATION) |