Practical inverse problems and their prospects

Reference No. 20200019
Type/Category Grant for General Research-Workshop(Ⅰ)
Title of Research Project Practical inverse problems and their prospects
Principal Investigator Takashi Takiguchi(National Defence Academy of Japan / Associate Professor)
Research Period March 02, 2022. - March 04, 2022.
Keyword(s) of Research Fields Inverse problems, Non-invasive and non-destructive investigations
Abstract for Research Report In this workshop, we shall study the following topics, based on the achievements in the past workshops supported by IMI;
・Medical non-invasive inspections
・Non-destructive inspections for structures
・Inverse problems in environmental problems
・Theoretical researches in inverse problems
・Various problems in practical inverse problems
We shall report our recent achievements on these problems and discuss their future developments.
Organizing Committee Members (Workshop)
Participants (Short-term Joint Usage)
Npriyuki Mita(Polytechnic University of Japan / Professor)
Kenji Hashizume(West Nippon Expressway Engineering Shikoku Company Limited / Subsection Chief)
Jin Cheng(Fudan University / Professor)
Takashi Takiguchi(National Defense Academy of Japan / Associate Professor)
Takashi Ohe(Okayama University of Science / Professor)