Off-shell mathematical science toward system’s analysis and designing

Reference No. 20200013
Type/Category Grant for General Research-Workshop(Ⅱ)
Title of Research Project Off-shell mathematical science toward system’s analysis and designing
Principal Investigator Hirofumi Sakuma(Research Origin for Dressed Photon / Director)
Research Period February 22, 2022. - February 22, 2022.
February 24, 2022. - February 24, 2022.
Keyword(s) of Research Fields dressed photon, off-shell quantum field, application technologies
Abstract for Research Report <<AIM>>
Dressed photon (DP) research was initiated in the latter half of 20th century by Ohtsu, one of the organizing committee members of this proposed study, who embarked on creating “small light” needed for new photo-electric technology. Since then, through the continuing accumulation of experimental achievements, several different types of novel technology had been realized. For instance, high-power light emission from indirect-transition type semiconductors was invented, which had been considered impossible for half a century. Based on those new facts, we conjectured that DP phenomena are anomalous in the sense that its existence depends on the interacting off-shell quantum electromagnetic field (QEF) which cannot be described fully by the conventional electromagnetic theory focusing solely on the on-shell behaviors of QEF. Such being the case, we founded recently a new small institute called RODreP by inviting theoreticians to accelerate modeling activities on DP. The collaboration with IMI starting from the year 2017 is a part of such theoretical activities which turns out to be quite successful. The important aspect of IMI collaboration is the participation of researchers from private sectors who are interested in application-oriented researches. By integrating preceding theoretical and experimental works together with those application studies, we try to develop further DP modeling activity, as a concrete theme of off-shell mathematical sciences, which can be used for industrial purposes.
<<Expected outcome>>
So far, we have pursued a few different approaches to understand DP dynamics. They are a new notion of Clebsch dual electromagnetic field, a modeling based on quantum walk and an electromagnetic response theory. From this fiscal year, we begin to investigate the possibility of applying the lattice gauge theory to DP modeling studies in order to integrate the above different approaches. We expect that, through further efficient integration of theoretical efforts so far investigated, we can obtain promising knowledge which works for the developments of such a DP generating device as fiber probe, DP application technologies like energy transformation, light-emitting and polarization control devices.
Organizing Committee Members (Workshop)
Participants (Short-term Joint Usage)
Motoichi Ohtsu(Research Origin for Dressed Photon / executive head)
Izumi Ojima(Research Origin for Dressed Photon / Academic advisor)
Masayuki Naya(Fuji film, Corp. / Principal researcher)
Yasuhide Fukumoto(IMI Kyushu University / Professor)
Hirofumi Sakuma(Research Origin for Dressed Photon / Director)