Computer Graphics and Digital Fabrication in Mathematical Aspects
Reference No. | 20200004 |
Type/Category | Grant for General Research-Workshop(Ⅱ) |
Title of Research Project | Computer Graphics and Digital Fabrication in Mathematical Aspects |
Principal Investigator | Tstuki Hayama(Senshu University / Associate Professor) |
Research Period |
January 29, 2021. - January 29, 2021. |
Keyword(s) of Research Fields | Computer Graphics, Visualization, Digital Fabrication |
Abstract for Research Report | Procedural method for generating geometric data is widely used in computer graphics. For example, fractal geometry is useful for rendering shapes of plants or geographic textures. The techniques and arts are established as procedural modelling or generative art.This is an interdisciplinary research project on such areas across mathematics,computer science, and art. The importance of this research is with recent rapid development of computer technologies: performance of GPU (Graphical Processing Unit), software for CAD (Computer-Aided Design), CNC (Computer Numerical Contorol) machines. We can run heavy graphical processing, which had been impossible in only a few years ago. Procedural method is useful not only in computer graphics but digital fabrication. We plan to organize a research workshop gathering people working on mathematics, computer graphics, software engineering, and design. It would be expected that this meeting makes a new research project and an application of mathematics to industry. |
Organizing Committee Members (Workshop) Participants (Short-term Joint Usage) |
Shinji Ogaki(ZOZO Research / Research Scientist) Yutaka Ishii(Kyushu University / Professor) Shizuo Kaji(IMI, Kyushu University / Associate Professor) Tatsuki Hayama(Senshu University / Associate Professor) |